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15 Nov 2013


Truck custom1


Maxol, Ireland's leading family-owned fuel and convenience retailer has introduced its new branded image to its commercial fleet of vehicles. At the beginning of the year Maxol unveiled its new forecourt brand identity centered on a colourful logo, known as the "Brio" supported with a new positioning line, "at the heart of it". The fleet makeover marks yet another mile stone in the new brand rollout and coincides with the signing of a new contract between Maxol and Reynolds Logistics, a long-standing supplier, to continue to service Maxol's southern retail network with all fuel deliveries.


Maxol and Reynolds Logistics worked closely with commercial bodywork specialist Wrecktify Limited, to bring the fleet back to 'bare metal' before repainting and branding each tanker in the new striking Maxol image. The fleet of 9 trucks was rebranded over a 12-week period. Maxol worked closely with Neworld Associates, the brand design agency responsible for creating the new brand look to incorporate the aesthetics of the design while meeting the requirements of a working tanker fleet, which by law must carry, warning chemical and environmental signage.


Commenting on the new look fleet, Mark Woods, Chief Supply Chain Officer, The Maxol Group said, "Our fleet has been updated as part of one of the most extensive rebranding exercises Maxol has ever undertaken across its business. With our vehicles travelling across the length and breadth of the country this represents a fantastic opportunity to provide a rolling visual support to our new service station brand. Naturally with hundreds of deliveries every week, vehicle downtime is of critical importance and Wrecktify Limited, worked hard to ensure each vehicle was back on the road with minimal disruption to our services. We now have the most modern and stylish image of any fleet of trucks in Ireland."




Media contact: Republic of Ireland
Julie Ann Relihan, Prior Communications 01 6627 111 or 087 4116446
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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