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04 Aug 2014

Maxol Hightrees, sponsor of Donaghadee Lifeboat Festival Raft Race, donates £750 in support of RNLI

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The Donaghadee Lifeboat Raft Race is set to take place on Saturday 16th August, promising a feast of entertainment on land, sea and in the air and Maxol Hightrees is delighted to sponsor this local event.

Maxol Hightrees service station donated £750 in aid of the Donaghadee Lifeboat Raft Race which is run in support of the RNLI Donaghadee branch, part of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) whose volunteers provide a 24-hour search and rescue service around the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland coasts.

Kevin Paterson, Group Commercial Manager, Maxol commented, "The RNLI carry out such incredible work along the coastline of Donaghadee and right across the UK and Ireland. Maxol Hightrees is very much at the heart of the Donaghadee community and we're so pleased to be part of the Lifeboat Festival that does so much for the local community, raising much needed funds for this worthy charity."

RNLI fundraising chair Evelyn Bennett said, "We would like to thank Maxol Hightrees for their support once again this year. More than 5,000 people visited the Festival in 2013 and we hope this year's programme will encourage even more to come to the town for a fun day out in support of the charity that saves lives at sea.

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