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+ 001 0231 123 32

30 Mar 2022

FuelPay Instructions

FuelPay is a quick and convenient way to pay for fuel while in the App in your car. FuelPay instructions can be found below and in the app by clicking on the FuelPay icon on the home page. 

1. Ensure Location Services is turned on.
2. Confirm you are at the correct Maxol Service Station.
3. Please enter the 4-digit code which you will see at the pump e.g. 0101.
4. Please choose the fuel type and press confirm.
5. Please choose the amount you want to spend, and press confirm e.g. €20.
6. Please choose your payment method and press confirm - credit/debit card.
7. Please enter car payment details and press confirm.
8. Your Purchase has been successful, and you receipt in available on My Page - Receipts in the "More" section in the menu at the bottom of the App.
9. The pump will be released, and you are ready to fill up.

Please do not use your mobile phone on the forecourt while the pump is in operation. 

By accepting you will be accessing a service provided by a third-party external to