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18 Aug 2016

Charity walkers lift their mood at the Mary Peters Track in aid of AWARE

Over 200 people participated in the AWARE Mood Walk organised by leading mental health charity, AWARE. The Mood Walk was a 5k or 10k summer evening walk which started off at the Mary Peters Track in Belfast. All the money raised from the AWARE Mood Walk is put directly back into the services of AWARE to help educate and provide support to people on the illness of depression.

Teresa Sloan, Director of Fundraising at AWARE said,

“The Belfast AWARE Mood Walk supported by Maxol was a great success this year and it’s fantastic to see so many people taking part and supporting AWARE. As a charity, we rely on donations made from the public and we have been overwhelmed by the generosity from people who have fundraised over the last few months for the Mood Walk.

“The Belfast Mood Walk is the first in a series of four Mood Walks taking place throughout Northern Ireland over the next few months. The Mood Walks are important as they encourage people to participate in light exercise which has proven to be beneficial in the treatment of depression.

“At an AWARE Mood Walk, we ask walkers to rate their mood on the AWARE Mood Board and to rate it again at the end of the walk. There is a massive difference in how people feel before and after the walk and clearly proves how exercise lifts your mood and helps make you feel better.”

Fergal Harrington, Group Brand Development Manager from Maxol said,

“Maxol is thrilled to support Aware NI at the first of their four Mood Walks. It is fantastic to see so many local people come out to support the event and the great work Aware does here in Northern Ireland.

"Maxol understands the importance of good mental wellbeing and we are full square behind the work of Aware does in highlighting and promoting it. I would encourage people to continue to support the initiative and to get involved with the other walks taking place in Derry, Omagh and Portstewart in the coming weeks”.

For more information on Aware NI, please visit

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