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15 Nov 2013


As the UK government this week launches a consultation on how government and companies can make corporate social responsibility more effective, they'd do well to ask Ballymoney man Glenn Biesty what it takes to make a difference.

Glenn, owner of Biesty's Centra Ballymoney, has spearheaded a number of social initiatives that have seen the store named Maxol Heart of the Community Winner in recognition of the contribution they make to their local area and community.

Speaking this week, Glenn Biesty said, "This prestigious award is a reflection of the involvement and work that my staff and I have done for the local community. We are involved in a number of charities, community events, local sports and youth clubs including the Ballymoney Cycling Club as well as assisting pensioners. For me business is much more than making money, you can't do it in isolation you need to get involved in the community. The bottom line is without them I have no customers. We also sponsor a number of events from the Ballymoney mini rugby to the Armoy Road Races and provide local schools with health snacks and water for their sports days and health eating weeks. It is important to my wife, Angela, and I that we are part of the community with which we work with and this award is for all of them."

Maxol Group Chief Executive Tom Noonan who presented the enviable award, said, "Maxol is a family owned business which operates exclusively in Ireland and has always had the business ethos of supporting the local community. It is one of our key values. Biesty's Centra Ballymoney won the Maxol Heart of the Community Award for their exceptional work and involvement in the community."

"We recently rebranded with a positioning line of 'at the heart of it' and it is clear to me that Biesty's Centra in Ballymoney is at the heart of it. There is nothing more important in business than the ability to give back and look after people, Glenn and Angela Biesty have done that in spades."

The recent Department for Business, Innovation and Skills consultation puts forward the business case for such activity and reportage: "Customers have increasing expectations about the ethics and behaviour of businesses. UK firms can potentially take advantage of this if they embrace corporate responsibility at least in part."

"Having raised over £17,000 for Action Cancer through fancy dress days in store, sponsored hair cuts for some of our younger male staff and walking the Great Wall of China I'm only too delighted that others receive good from our charitable work. Business is business but you should give a little back and it should be fun and enjoyable as well as a lot of hard work!" concluded Glenn Biesty. 

Biesty's Centra also recently won an all Ireland award for customer service in Ireland's Forecourt and Convenience store magazine.



Pictured above: Glenn and Angela Biesty (owners of Biesty's Centra Ballymoney), with Tom Noonan (Chief Executive - The Maxol Group) with staff member and charity representatives.



Maxol Media Contact Northern Ireland:
Paula Donaghy, Smarts Communicate
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T. (028) 9039 5514


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