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26 Jun 2008

Maxol Group Chief Executive Tom Noonan Elected IBEC President

Tom Noonan elected.
Tom Noonan, Chief Executive of the Maxol Group, has been elected President of the Irish Business and Employers Confederation for the term 2008-2010. From today (Thursday) Mr Noonan takes over from Mr Maurice Healy of the Healy Group, as president of the Confederation.

Mr Noonan joined Maxol Limited in 1980 as Personnel Manager and subsequently held the positions of Marketing Manager and General Manager before being appointed Chief Executive in 1996. The intervening period has seen the Group, which is entirely owned by the McMullan Family; expand rapidly to become one of the foremost oil companies in its field in Ireland with an annual turnover of more than €700m throughout the Island of Ireland.

He served as deputy president of IBEC, is chairman of the BUSINESSEUROPE Transport Working Group and is a former president of the Society of the Irish Motor Industry. He is a Government nominee on the Personal Injuries Assessment Board (PIAB); a member of the IBEC-CBI Joint Business Council and of the Fingal Enterprise Board. He is a former member of the board of Beaumont Hospital.

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