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10 Feb 2005

Maxol Chief Executive Warns Motorists of the Dangers of Laundered Diesel

Laundered Diesel is Threat to Public Safety –
Motorists Warned to Make Sure They Know Who They’re Buying From

The Irish Petroleum Industry Association (IPIA) has warned the public to be on the look out for “laundered” diesel. IPIA Chairman Tom Noonan said: “The criminal activity of adulterating motor fuel is a threat to public safety and the environment as well as being a severe cost to the Exchequer”.

“This dangerous practice should be in the public eye this week” said Mr Noonan “after a tanker of such illegal product overturned on the Monasterevin bypass”.

(Agricultural) green diesel is “laundered” using sulphuric acid and caustic soda as bleaching and neutralising agents. This can cause serious damage to a vehicle’s engine. Also, the process of “laundering” diesel leaves highly toxic waste products which are invariably inadequately stored or just dumped in public places.

“Car, van and truck owners should be very wary of diesel that is not sold from reputable outlets. The risk of damage to the vehicle from “laundered” diesel is very considerable. Quite apart from this immediate self-interest, few vehicle owners would wish to conspire to help an illegal trader breach contract, breach trademark legislation, evade tax, play fast and loose with environmental regulations and allow havoc on the roads with oil tankers driven by unregulated drivers. The Irish Road Haulage Association has already previously highlighted the fact that unscrupulous hauliers who use such diesel are undermining legitimate hauliers and are thereby, “dragging everybody down”.

Tom Noonan added: “We should note the comments by the Revenue Commissioners that this illegal activity may crop up anywhere in the country. We congratulate them and the Gardai on their success in tracking down hundreds of thousands of litres of illegal product. Vehicle owners can help by using common sense when buying diesel. If a motorist has doubts about the credentials of the person selling them diesel, then he/she should exercise prudence in order to stay within the law.”


Tom Noonan is the current Chairman of the Irish Petroleum Industry Association and is Chief Executive of the Maxol Group. Available for interview. Contact 087 2570985.

Issued by Peter White, 01-2950680 or 087 2577122

The Irish Petroleum Industry Association (IPIA) is the representative body of those companies in Ireland engaged in the importation, distribution and marketing of petroleum products.

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