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+ 001 0231 123 32

09 Nov 2009

Government biofuels target – time to lower VRT on flexifuel vehicles.

The government decision that 4% of our motor fuels come from biofuels is welcome but would be more effective if they reintroduced the incentive to buy cars that have the flexibility to use E85. This fuel is 85% bioethanol and 15% petrol.

The Chief Executive of the Maxol Group Tom Noonan said: “We welcome the announcement by the Minister for Communications Energy and Natural Resources that 4% of sales of motor fuels must, from the middle of next year, come from biofuels. By far the most realistic approach is to encourage the use of cars which can use bioethanol E85. This fuel can give a saving in CO2 emissions of 70% compared to the petrol equivalent.”

“The forthcoming Budget should therefore reintroduce the Vehicle Registration Tax provision which encourages the sale of flexi fuel cars that are capable of running on E85. Quite bizarrely, these environmentally efficient cars now incur VRT which is up to 40% higher than their diesel equivalents.”

“The Minister has said that the 4% biofuels target will be increased when the technology improves. The technology is already there to run cars on fuel which is 85% biofuel. We just need to encourage its use.

”Maxol sells E85 in 30 locations around the country and E5 at over 100 stations. It also markets Biodiesel extensively. See also

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