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12 Oct 2003

Maxol Group Gets Interactive With Company Cd


Maxol has produced an interactive multimedia CD, which provides an overview of the history, activities and companies within the Maxol Group.  The CD, which is in a convenient business card sized format has been distributed to Maxol retailers, distributors and customers and has a playtime of approximately 10 minutes.

The CD will assist Maxol in the development of new business within the petroleum fuels market and also contains PowerPoint presentations specifically tailored to attract new customers to Maxol’s two fuel card products, Chargecard & FuelNet, The CD will also be used by retailers as an education tool to help train new employees on the unique  history  of Maxol trading as an independent company in Ireland for over 80 years as well as the many different products and services offered by the company.  

Its launch which took place on Monday 8th September 2003 formed part of a wider marketing initiative which included the national roll out of a new brand awareness campaign.  

For further information on “Maxol’s Interactive CD”, contact Fergal Harrington, Brand Development Manager, Maxol Ltd –  Tel (01) 6076800 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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