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12 Dec 2013

Maxol lubricants Joins VLS

Maxol is delighted to announce its recent membership of VLS (Verification of Lubricant Specification). VLS is a not for profit subsidiary of the United Kingdom Lubricants Association (UKLA). The Verification of Lubricant Specifications (VLS) – aims to protect consumers of lubricants from purchasing products that make incorrect claims by providing an independent, objective, credible and trusted means to challenge and verify lubricant specifications and performance claims.

Speaking about Maxol’s VLS membership, Rod Pesch, Director General at UKLA said "Since its inception in September, support for the United Kingdom Lubricant Association's not-for-profit subsidiary VLS has seen rapid growth. In just two months we have seen membership grow to include many of the UK's leading lubricant companies, eager to support the VLS initiative. For this reason I welcome Maxol into the team which we trust will ensure fair play to the lubricants market and guarantee quality products to the consumer".

All too often, misrepresented lubricants that do not conform to the specifications and performance claimed by their marketers are sold into the UK/ROI Market, placing consumers and equipment at risk and distorting the market.

VLS appreciates that, in some cases, this misrepresentation is due to a genuine lack of understanding and, as an organisation, realises that it must strive to increase the level of specification education for consumers and marketers alike. Equally, it recognises that the culprits are in the minority and the vast majority of lubricants supplied into the market are completely fit for purpose.

Commenting on how Maxol Lubricants VLS membership will benefit ROI costumers, Owen O’Neill, General Manager of Maxol Lubricants commented, “Lubricants you can trust is our seal our approval on all the products we sell at Maxol Lubricants. We believe that transparency is as important as quality in the industry which is why we are fully behind VLS and their initiative. It is important to us that our customers both North and South of the border have full confidence in our products and we feel that our membership of VLS further strengthens our position as of Irelands’ most trusted Lubricant suppliers".

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