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15 Apr 2015

Win Free Tennis Coaching, €50 / £50 fuel, plus lunch at Moreish

When it comes to tennis, are you a pro or scoring low?

Are you a tennis expert? Parks Tennis is back for summer 2015, and if you haven't already signed up your little ones for lessons, make sure you book now:

Parks Tennis has been running in parks all over the country for 36 years and aims to bring a love of tennis to children of all ages, backgrounds and abilities. It won't be long before your little Federers will be experts on volleys, serves and break points.

We know you love quizzes, so we've created a fun tennis quiz over on our Facebook Page where you can test your level of expertise.

Everyone who takes the quiz will be put in a draw to win:

· 8 weeks free Parks Tennis coaching for their little ones

· €50 / £50 fuel voucher to get you there

· Lunch at Moreish.

Sounds ace? Take the quiz here and see if you win this great tennis prize. Good luck!

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