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11 Jul 2019

Maxol mourns the loss of the great Brendan Grace

It was with huge sadness that we learned of the passing of our great friend, Brendan. His association with our company dates back to the making of the iconic “Free a Nipper” TV commercials in 1985.

Former Maxol CEO, Tom Noonan, who worked with Brendan during this period said;

“Brendan’s passing brings back so many fond memories of the fun we had around the Free a Nipper promotion.  We knew that associating Brendan with the campaign would be a winning combination. Brendan was not just a naturally funny person, he was one of the most kind-hearted people you could ever come across. I can recall many great moments with him and I was proud to have remained a friend ever since we first met in 1985. He was not just one of Ireland’s great performers but also one of the country’s most loved performers “

Everyone in Maxol would like to offer their sincere condolences to his dear wife Eileen, his family and friends at this very sad time.

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