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08 Jul 2015

Make-A-Wish makes its way into Maxol's TLC (Todays Local Champions) Retail Awards.

Make-A-Wish makes its way into Maxol's TLC (Todays Local Champions) Retail Awards.

Maxol's Annual Retail 'Today's Local Champion' (TLC) Awards aims to encourage and reward outstanding excellence in retail standards and customer service while bringing an element of fun to the Maxol workplace as well as fostering a great teambuilding environment. Mystery shoppers and online customer surveys are just two of the means of assessing each individual station's level of quality, along with site inspections carried out by the Maxol team keeping standards at the level our customers are accustomed to.

As part of this year's structure we asked Maxol Retailers to come up with a TLC plan; a plan to hold one event to raise money for our charity partner Make-a-Wish. We have received lots of great ideas from skydives to storm troopers on the forecourt and are delighted to announce that one of the first events has already taken place.

Kevin Brennan and his staff at Maxol Service Stations at Antrim Road & Beechlawn raised an amazing £1000 with their windscreen wash day, the sun was shining on the team and they had lots of fun on the day. A fantastic achievement for all involved.

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